It's live - it's fun - it's outdoors!

We've created a fun, outdoor show. Must show proof of vaccination!
Dear friends and family, 

I hope that you're safe and vaccinated. I am a part of a wonderful, outdoor production. It's called "Welcome To The Neighborhood." It's an immersive theater piece that takes place in 1954 - a nuclear missile mishap has sent everyone into underground bunkers for fifteen months and this is our first gathering back together (ya see where we're going with this?) You show up to a BBQ, grab your burger or veggie dog and watch the drama unfold around you.

Gia on the Move calls the show, "a madcap hour of backyard hotdogs, intrigue, politics, radiation, and outer space" with "great performances from the entire cast."

We have performances for only two more weekends with three shows per day. Like I said, you must show proof of vaccination upon arriving. We hope to see you there!
I also flew to DC to host the UnidosUS Annual Conference. For those unfamiliar, UnidosUS is the largest Latinx advocacy organization in the country.
Their conference addresses countless issues relevant to the community. Although I was the only one who was in-person, it was a lot of fun to participate virtually with the different panels around the country. You can watch replays here.

And make sure to check out our music video collaboration below! We've reached over 8,000 views!



p.s. What are ya watching? "The White Lotus?" Did ya like it? I thought it was great!
We've reached over 8,000 views!
We had so much fun making this video!
This video was a lot of fun to make! A homage to our quarantine and to the late, great Eddie Van Halen! RIP
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